Introducing ProMaster's Chroma TL9RGB Tube Light

Introducing ProMaster's Chroma TL9RGB Tube Light

Getting Creative Under Utah’s Dark Skies

ProMaster's new Chroma TL9RGB Tube Light is an innovative tool designed for light painting and creative lighting in photography. With its versatile design and powerful illumination capabilities, it opens up new possibilities for night sky photography. 

Here are some ways to use the ProMaster LED tube light for light painting under the night skies of Utah.

Versatile Light Source

The ProMaster LED tube light offers adjustable brightness and color temperature, allowing you to create different lighting effects and moods in your images. The TL9RGB tubes pair seamlessly with the ProMaster Light Attendant app, giving you the ability to tweak color, brightness levels, enable party light mode, all from your phone. You can also pair multiple TL9RGB tube lights to one Light Attendant app, have one light on purple and another one on green to create unique color blends in your light painting. Whether you want to add a warm glow to a rock formation or a cool blue light to a desert landscape, this tube light has you covered.

Dynamic Light Trails

Move the TL9RGB tube light through the scene during your long exposure to create dynamic light trails. You can use sweeping motions to highlight specific areas or create abstract patterns that add a sense of motion and energy to your photos. Try creating a perfectly seamless line, or a perfect circle. This technique will prove difficult at first, but becomes a fun way to add more visual interest to your images once you get the hang of it. 

Illuminating Foreground Elements

Use the ProMaster TL9RGB tube light to selectively illuminate foreground elements, such as rock formations or cacti, while keeping the starry sky in the background. This technique adds depth and dimension to your images, making them more engaging and visually appealing.

Light Painting with Precision

The ProMaster TL9RGB tube light’s compact and lightweight design makes it easy to handle and control, allowing you to paint with precision. Experiment with different angles, distances, and movements to achieve the desired effect in your photos. Looking to step it up a notch? Try attaching one of ProMaster’s light cubes to your drone to create some other worldly light painting masterpieces. This technique takes a lot of trial and error, but the results can be extraordinary once you nail the correct flight path. 

Tips for Light Painting Success

Plan Your Composition: Scout your location during daylight to identify interesting foreground elements and plan your composition.

Practice and Experiment: Light painting requires practice and experimentation. Feel free to try different techniques and settings to see what works best for your scene.

Work with a Friend: Having a friend assist you with light painting can be helpful, especially for more complex scenes. One person can handle the camera while the other paints with the  tube light.

Be Patient: Capturing the perfect light painting shot can take time and patience. Be prepared to take multiple shots and adjust your technique as needed.

Light painting photography under the night skies of Utah offers a unique and creative way to capture the beauty of the desert landscape. With the right camera settings and the innovative ProMaster TL9RGB tube light, you can create dynamic and visually stunning images that stand out. So, grab your camera, head to Utah's iconic night skies, and let your creativity shine through light painting!

Frankie & Ross’s Tips:

  • Scout locations during the daytime 

  • Give yourself ample time to experiment

  • Be prepared to fail, but generate constructive feedback on your work to approach the process next time you head out in the dark 

  • Bring a headlamp, so you can see what you’re doing 

  • Bring a light stand along, to help hold one of the lights up 

Happy shooting!

Gear List: 

  • ProMaster Chrome TL9RGB 9” Tube Light

  • ProMaster Light Attendant App - Download on iOS or Android now before heading out into the field! 

  • Sturdy tripod 

  • DSLR or Mirrorless Full Frame set to manual mode (We used Sony A7Riii and R4 for these images in this blog post) 

  • Wide angle lenses will give you the best result (We used the Tamron 17-28mm for the majority of these images)
    Blower, or dust removal brush 

  • Headlamp 

  • Supplemental LED lights (to see, to scout) or to attach to a drone for light painting from the sky images 

  • Other props! We used a fishing rod and fishing line to create the lightning bolt effect in this blog post. You could also experiment with a mirror, mesh fabrics, attaching string to the LED tube.

  • Water & Snacks 

  • Pre-downloaded maps 

  • GPS Unit for safety 

  • Patience 

  • Optional gear: 

    • Light stand 

    • Drone 

Frankie Spontelli

Frankie is a Denver-based adventure and travel photographer and licensed drone pilot who focuses on adventure, landscape/travel, and outdoor lifestyle product photography. Every new photo project is an opportunity to start an exciting adventure.

Ross Bernards

10 years of photography combined with a lifelong passion for the outdoors and genuine laughs, Ross creates a one-of-a-kind story through his lens. Using a photojournalistic approach Ross captures authentic human experiences in unique locations while using natural light to showcase Mother Nature’s more dramatic side.

Posted June 24, 2024..

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